Yukari-sama is unlike any artist
on Sonic4 Test Records and has deeper ties to
its history. I don't want to get into the exact
details of the reasons, because this would
probably upset her. Only those who know what it
is, know what I mean.
She claims to have some
abilities, but I'm not that sure on how they
exactly work so take it with a grain of salt.
I'm just repeating what I saw and heard. She's
very wise, she can see everything I do, and
influence the events of my life.
Her musical style is an imitation
of mine, and she just started making music so
there isn't much I can talk about. I'm not sure
if she's planning to make more albums and
getting featured on compilations, but I guess
she's here to stay.
Remember, y'all. She's always
watching... Or not, I don't know.
Visit Yukari-sama's Bandcamp for every release.