Alternate Astral Tribe - Overthrowing Our Belief Driven Commu...
digital download (ASTRAL01)
"Overthrowing Our Belief Driven Community In Mandela County"
is Alternate Astral Tribe's debut album, and it's about The
Mandela Catalogue, an analog horror series by Alex Kister where
entities that mimick humans known as Alternates terrorize the
citiens of Mandela County by driving them to suicide after
disproving their religious beliefs. It also samples the
soundtrack of said show.
"Normally, this album was supposed to come out all the way
back in the old days of Sonic4 Test Records. Like, I had it in
my plans since February 2023 but never got to making it.
Recently, I suddenly got the inspiration to work on it after
feeling paranoid and deluded and made it in one sitting.
Musically, I'm not sure if a lot of y'all
would like it because it's just distorted / frequency
shifted music. In its core, that's what Alternate Astral Tribe's
style is. For a long time, they've only been appearing in
compilation albums and we finally got a debut album. There might
be a sequel to this, but I don't know when I'll make it or what
it'll be about."
- Sonic4