This is the thirty first release of Sonic4 Test Records.

The Album Code BUTCHER is for short albums focused on butchered music.

(9) Butchered Mistakes is the first release of the BUTCHER series, which is mainly

going to be used for short albums (EPs) and two-track single releases. As the title

suggests, this album contains 9 butchered tracks by Sonic4, and they're all related

to Touhou in some way. It samples from popular memes and music videos to in-

terpolated melodies and references. It's also a supposed collaborative single

with Alice98, similiar to how Der Haaland was with his cousin Keremmmm.

"I wasn't anticipating for this release at all, it was all done in a single day out of

pure rage. This was actually just supposed to be Five Inch Nails, which would only

have the first part from Bim Bam Bom, and the second part that I made recently.

I'm pretty sure that a lot of y'all are confused on why I suddenly made an album

about Touhou. Well, it's because of Alice98. She got me into this mess, and I

don't know how to get out of it. It's like a hole that you can only dig deeper once

you get in. I both endear and despise these songs, most of them are straight up

bangers but a few are cringe, I'll admit that. The shocking part of this was disco-

vering that I used to unknowingly to listen to these songs in my childhood. Heck,

there's some inside jokes between me and my best friend that are still going on

to this day, such as the Chirumiru drink. I'll say one thing though, this album isn't

for celebration, but actually a cry for help. I'm going to erase everything related to

Touhou from my memory soon enough, I don't wanna be involved with it." - Sonic4

Check out the YouTube playlist of the samples.

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