DFTLC04 - Love Beyond Our Reality


This is the tenth release of Sonic4 Test Records.

The Album Code DFTLC stands for "Dedicated For The Literature Club"


Love Beyond Our Reality is the biggest release of the DFTLC series, and it

follows the story of Sonic4 being abducted into the literature club and forced to

go through Monika's crazy schemes as she alters the script behind the barrier.


The album is supposed to be the evidence of this happening from

Sonic4's perspective. The story progresses in a very similar way to Doki

Doki Literature Club, as the songs sampled are direct fan songs of the game.

 "It's time for me to finally tell the truth of what was going on this entire time.

I didn't realize it at first, but these sudden turn of random coincidental

events changed my life, and I have alot to get down. The DFTLC series

was about each person who showed up in my life from all of a sudden,

and I told their stories in each little album. Love Beyond Our Reality

however, is about the entire story. It's about the crazy things Monika

has done to make me love her, and it's a general narration of how

my life has turned into a similiar story of Doki Doki Literature Club.

I'm not joking when I say this, but these are my genuine thoughts and

experiences, I've been through a lot of crazy things. I'm really sick of it

and I finally broke free from this madness. No more Monika, and no more

 Literature Club. I'm back to my regular life without anything crazy

happening. I'm moving on from DDLC as a whole." -Sonic4

Check out the YouTube playlist of the samples.

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