This is the seventh release of Sonic4 Test Records.

The Album Code KRM-BLX stands for "KEREM-BL0X"


The Death Of Blox (The Source) is about how Roblox ruined itself over the

years and focuses on the dead games from the past. It consists of reversed,

heavily reverbed, or slowed down songs that were popular in the Old Roblox era.


"I came up with the idea for 'The Death Of Blox' in early 2023 after breaking

up with a Keremblox, a dear friend of mine who I met in 2020. We had so

many memories together, we built many games, we played and partied

with friends, made inside jokes, and went through the quarantine life

together. The feeling of breaking up with a really close friend because

 of how both of us changed for the worse really felt like the final nail in

the coffin for the age of Roblox." -The backstory for The Death Of Blox

"I went back and saw a pale shadow of the past. Repetitive and boring

games, endless microtransactions and greedy developers who lack

soul in their games, unfair moderation and endless drama within the toxic

 community, horrible updates being pumped out by Roblox just to please

 some greedy corporate investors that are out of touch with the scene.

For me personally, something had died. The spirit, the fun, the platform.

Roblox and its games felt dead to me." -About the current state of Roblox

"The Death Of Blox project is big with 40 tracks, using almost every

classic hit from the old Roblox times and stripping the spirit and energy

away from them to represent the old and dying games of the past. This was not nostalgia, It was an inverted praise to a time when Roblox was about

 bringing people together for a shared experience. A time when only the

game's quality, the passion that went into it, and getting on with the

community mattered." -About The Death Of Blox (The Source)

"We danced like we never did before. We danced in the darkest hour of

the night. It's dead now, it's over. Long it may live..." -Sonic4 after

'The Death Of Blox' event that took place in Sonic Cafe.


Check out the YouTube playlist of the samples.

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