Eray N Hits - See You In Hell
digital download (STR-0003)
You In Hell" is an hour long live album by Eray & Hits where
he plays the drums over highlighted tracks and fan favorites
from Sonic4's discography.
"I came up with the idea for this album months ago, this was
what STALE04 was originally going to sound like before I turned
it into what it is today. Though, recently I wanted to make this
all of a sudden to give myself a reason to be excited for
something. I wanted to have fun and it worked.
Another thing I wanna say is, all of this
was actually done in one take. In the album you can hear me get
more and more tired as the runtime goes on. Playing for an hour
straight was really difficult. And for singing the songs, I had
to record ontop of the audio because I can't both sing and play
at the same time. The loud sound of the drums drowns out my
- Sonic4