Sonic4 - The Downfall Of Turkey
digital download (TURKEY01)


"The Downfall Of Turkey" is an album meant to raise awareness of the current broken state of Turkey. It was also released on May 19th, the national holiday of the youth and sports, declared by Ataturk, the founder of Turkey. The album consists of broken down Turkish patriotic songs, more importantly, songs about Ataturk that have lost their meaning after the decline of their economy, society, justice, government, education, and anything else you can think of.

This country is ruined thanks to our current president, and people keep voting for him every year, allowing him to ruin this country for his own pockets even more. I've genuinely felt sad while distorting these songs about Ataturk. Nobody took his message for the youth seriously, and now the country is at its worst and it keeps getting worse. This is a final cry of hope, and a desperate attempt to bring awareness to how bad things got. We need to come together and do something about this, or Turkey will be no more. Hopefully we will see better days. It's all our fault because we truly didn't give a shit..."

- Sonic4