All The Memories From The Underground Classroom - Artwork

The final cover compared to the first draft (cover and inside cover)


Internal artwork of the CD release (inside and back cover)


The original photo of our graduation ceremony used in the album cover

A group photo taken right after the graduation party


Facts about the album's production:


- The phrase "Underground Classroom" refers to 8/A's first

classroom, which was literally an underground classroom that

was small and uncomfortable.


- Both tracks sample the school bell, one from term 1, and the

other from term 2. If you wanna learn more about the samples,

click here to check out my YouTube playlist.


- The album's production took almost 3 weeks of non-stop

working. I used "Audiotonic" to make this album, which is a

really bad version of Audacity.


- The first made track was "Drowning Rave", which is

surprising because it was the most difficult track to make.


- The last made track was "Burning Rage", which samples

a recording of me smashing and grating a toy microphone

on concrete and stone walls at my garden.


- The loud thuds and screaming in "From Out Of Nowhere" samples 

"8/A Classroom Recording", in which several people in our class were

screaming and intentionally making loud noises so the hallway teacher

would close the door. This was remixed in "leave the door open"


- The track "September 2021" is actually me singing

"September 1939" by The Caretaker. This was because my

equipment back then wasn't good enough to make a noise track,

so I just recorded myself screaming into the microphone instead.


Tracks "A Handful Of Stories" and "Neva's Serenade"

sample Kayra and Neva playing the piano.


- The tracks "Show Me" For Ladies" and "My One Desire"

sample songs that have been played on the graduation ball.


- The closing track "Graduation Ceremony" samples 

Back To Black, which was also played at the graduation ball.


- The original album cover photo comes from

this exact moment from the graduation ceremony.


Neva owns the first ever press of this album on CD.


Scrapped Tracks:


Dancing In The Dark was scrapped track because it didn't fit

the timeline chronologically, and the equipment wasn't good

enough to make it. It was replaced with Jingle Bell Rock.


Troubles Gone Beyond Recall was repurposed and it became

"It's All Forgotten now" from "A Classroom Above The Skies."


8/A Gang - Leave The Door Open was the first ever track

I made, and it has been used in "From Out Of Nowhere." 


8/A Gang - HNI_0032 is an unused track and it was featured

in "AuditoryStaleDonerTenCupsOfAyranAndABoxOfRulokat."


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