Started out in July of 2022, The Protagonist continues to
present the dark and
desolate reflections of my past. These memories are recalled
and replayed from
a depressed state of mind. In this darkness lies the trace
of a semi-recognisable
melody, a source of hope in this dark and digital landscape
of ambient sounds.
latest news:
Recollections from the tormented town is the last
release of The Protagonist
covered by this microsite. There are some unofficial
releases on Sonic4 Test
Records, one of which is
a compilation of unreleased songs, and the other is
two unreleased albums. You might get another unused
compilation soon.
I'm preserving this microsite in its current state for the
future, so keep in mind that
it's outdated. I want to remind you that this isn't the end
of The Protagonist, but
only the end of the classic era. The
Protagonist's entire discography (minus the
audiomixes and compilations) are on
Memories Always Endure The Passage,
and any recent or upcoming albums will also continue to be
released there.