This is the fourth release of The Protagonist.

The album code TRCM stands for "Theoretically Recovered Corrupt Memories)

This album code is used in the six parts (and an additional seventh) of this series

about struggling to recover the rest of his nostalgic memories digitally. (CD1 - CD7)

about the album:

The fourth release by The Protagonist is a direct follow up to "we'll all wish to go back

in time", and it showcases seventy two corrupted memories. It's the ambient sound

of Eray's nostalgic memories between 2017 and 2018, but they failed to preserve their

true meaning as time went on. Instead of focusing on the past, this album focuses on

the rejection of the present day. A person that's still mentally stuck in the past, and

denying that life isn't like how it used to be. A release with tracks purged from emotion,

with only a few intact memories appearing from a digital audio fog of a hopeless mind.



After I made "we'll all wish to go back in time", I was thinking about quitting making music

because I ran out of ideas. In February of 2023, my friend Keremblox teached me how to

make my own website using Neocities and Frontpage 2003. I made a website for The

Protagonist and this got me interested in making music again. I came up with the idea

for this album when one night,I was listening to a long mix of vaporwave and lofi songs

I used to listen way back in 2017-2018. I got sad because these memories mean so

much to me and I imagined how The Protagonist would interpret these memories from

the mind of a person who's denying that life isn't like how it used to be. When you

hang on to your memories so much, their true meaning and emotion fades away.

Check out the YouTube playlist of the samples.

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Theoretically recovered corrupt memories