The Protagonist - Memorialized fragments from the ruins of...
digital download (AUDIOMIX01)
"Memorialized fragments from
the ruins of Yesilkoy Okullari" is a mix of previously
released tracks by The Protagonist compiled for an event held at
the ruins of Yesilkoy Okullari. The event took place on November
24th, 2023.
- This is a visual album,
watch the video on YouTube for the best experience.
- For a little more information,
check out The Protagonist's microsite.
"I'm pretty sure that you'll recognize some, or all of the
songs included in this atmospheric mix if you love The
Protagonist's previous work. This was released just in time for
a lonely music event in the abandoned remains of Yesilkoy
Okullari. These memories were recollected and remembered by The
Protagonist, and most of them originate from this school.
Explore the empty hallways and classrooms within your
imagination without anyone to ruin the immersion. Move from one
memory to the next and see the only traces of audio left over
from the golden age of this school."
- Sonic4