This is the twenty sixth release of Sonic4 Test Records.

The Album Code STALE series is used for compilation albums.


It's Your Record! is a project hosted by Sonic4 where anybody can submit any

song they want. It's an album that is completely made by the people. It has the

same concept as the previous STALE releases, but the execution of it makes it different from the rest. It's a live album where submissions appear in real time. In December 24th, the album will be complete and the second stage of the project

will commence. The album will be pressed in sections into Vinyls by Kunaki.

The vinyls will then be scattered and placed around many record shops and retail

stores in Istanbul and the employees will be informed that the record is completely

free to take. (If they're okay with it, of course.) The flashy album cover will have a

note that informs the customer that they are allowed to take the record home for

free, and that they should reassure the employees that they have no business in

stocking this release. The album cover has more legal notes that inform everyone

that they won't be committing a crime by stealing this record. It will certainly be an

interesting project because of these two aspects. It's speculated that Radeline

might be the one to help with the distribution of the records. For now, there is no

financial support from my parents because they don't want to waste 300 dollars

on this ridiculous concept. Even though the project is completed, you can still

join the discord server for fun. >> https://discord.gg/QMUgBGnTTP <<

Check out the YouTube playlist of the samples.

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