This is the twenty eighth release of Sonic4 Test Records.

The Album Code AUDIOMIX is used for mixes released on Sonic4 Test.

Hxppy Birthday is the first release of 2024. It's a birthday mix from Sonic4 where

he tries to represent each year of his life by warping music in the style of early

Sonic4 Test Records releases. The album artwork is an obvious parody of

Hxppy Thxughts, but the album itself has nothing to do with it.


"This was the first time where I actually made something for fun, I keep saying

it everytime but the albums I release are all things that I see a worth in. Just

because I can do it, doesn't mean I should. But this time, I actually did do it.

While I was going to school, I had the idea to make a birthday themed

Sonic4 album. I got to work, and I had to make it in just a single day

because my birthday was tomorrow. The only rushed thing was the

artwork and descriptions, which has been replaced with better ones

in the re-release. I don't expect anyone to relate to this release,

because it's just a personal playlist that makes me happy

and nostalgic. You can read the track descriptions to

have some sort of idea on why I chose the songs.

Years are passing by rapidly, and as I grow up, life

becomes more and more awesome." - Sonic4


Check out the YouTube playlist of the samples.

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