Sonic4 captured by MONIKA - The Final Showdown
digital download + plain cd album (DFTLC05)


"The Final Showdown" is the actual final release of the DFTLC series, and it has been made as an extention of Love Beyond Our Reality. The album shows what the promised "compilation album" DFTLC04 was originally intended to be before it got hijacked by MONIKA. The story is all over the place, but mostly takes place in the same time period as the events of Love Beyond Our Reality.


The four chapters tell the story of Love Beyond Our Reality from a personal standpoint while including new details and characters that were left out in the previous album. The tracks are ranging from the leftovers and outtakes to the newly added songs that complete the story abandoned way back in May.

"This is such a crazy album and it's not just about one thing, it's many. The story of Love Beyond Our Reality was less personal and more publicized, but the story told in this album is more personal and provides more details that weren't included in the previous album. It might not make too much sense, but that's okay. The whole series are all over the place, for them all to make sense I have to make a chronological playlist of every single song in order. That would be difficult, so just focus on what you have for now."

- Sonic4